March 2025
Blog 3: Walking on Water
What kind of blog title is this? Read on and it will all make sense.
The Jesus Christ Lizard
I am not making this up, Jesus Christ has visited several times!

This basillisk lizard’s nickname comes from their ability to walk (actually run) on water. We have had a small one, a medium-sized one, and a big guy visit us.

Check out this video clip:
Iguanas are just about everywhere. I have to be on guard when walking the pups because when they see this reptile, they both blast off like cheetahs and pull like mastiffs.
We have a “family” of iguanas just the other side of the river. Depending on the day, there is a large adult male, a female or two, one or two or more youngsters, and sometimes a rival male.

We often see the “Big Guy” show his stuff when females are around, and more than once we have seen his actions bear fruit. (I have intimate photos, but felt it best not to display the hanky-panky). Here a few more family-approved shots.

The White-Nosed Coati
In the heart of Costa Rica's forests, there's a special animal called the coati, or coatimundi, also known as "pizote" in Spanish. It's curious, with a striped tail and a cute face.

One afternoon as we were spotting iguanas, first one, then two, then more coati appeared in the area usually occupied by the iguanas. We spotted nine in total as they systematically searched the iguana area, presumably looking for food? A little research showed that iguanas are on their meal menu! Who knew?
A Few Birds
Here is a blue-gray tanager, a chachalaca, and a keel-billed toucan. All of these were at our home or close by.

Check out the orange banner butterfly.

Plants & Flowers
Take a look at torch ginger, sunset bells, and the bird of paradise.

Things Coming Up
We continue to enjoy Costa Rica more each day. We are making new friends, learning our way around, and the weather has been just fantastic. Another huge plus is that we have found a really good pup-sitter! This adds a nice level of freedom for exploring. More info coming soon.
Pura Vida!
The Jesus Christ Lizard
I am not making this up, Jesus Christ has visited several times!

This basillisk lizard’s nickname comes from their ability to walk (actually run) on water. We have had a small one, a medium-sized one, and a big guy visit us.

Check out this video clip:
Iguanas are just about everywhere. I have to be on guard when walking the pups because when they see this reptile, they both blast off like cheetahs and pull like mastiffs.
We have a “family” of iguanas just the other side of the river. Depending on the day, there is a large adult male, a female or two, one or two or more youngsters, and sometimes a rival male.

We often see the “Big Guy” show his stuff when females are around, and more than once we have seen his actions bear fruit. (I have intimate photos, but felt it best not to display the hanky-panky). Here a few more family-approved shots.

The White-Nosed Coati
In the heart of Costa Rica's forests, there's a special animal called the coati, or coatimundi, also known as "pizote" in Spanish. It's curious, with a striped tail and a cute face.

One afternoon as we were spotting iguanas, first one, then two, then more coati appeared in the area usually occupied by the iguanas. We spotted nine in total as they systematically searched the iguana area, presumably looking for food? A little research showed that iguanas are on their meal menu! Who knew?
A Few Birds
Here is a blue-gray tanager, a chachalaca, and a keel-billed toucan. All of these were at our home or close by.

Check out the orange banner butterfly.

Plants & Flowers
Take a look at torch ginger, sunset bells, and the bird of paradise.

Things Coming Up
We continue to enjoy Costa Rica more each day. We are making new friends, learning our way around, and the weather has been just fantastic. Another huge plus is that we have found a really good pup-sitter! This adds a nice level of freedom for exploring. More info coming soon.
Pura Vida!